
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 25

Photobooth Challenge, day 25

Today freaking sucked hardcore. My parents kept fighting. I had nothing to do with it but was in the middle of it. Unwillingly ugh. I really hate it when that happens. My dad is a total jerk but I love him. I wish he would speak up more and actually use his brain. My mom on the other hand.. She's hurt. A lot by my dad. I can understand how she gets mad at him but I just want to sit her down and tell her that he is never going to change so why bother? I was really close to my dad when I was little then once I hit 10 years old thereabouts we became distant. It made me sad. We talk but I feel like more of an acquaintance to him than anything. I can't do anything to change it. Though I wish I could. Oh well.

I had a lot of fun with Jasper today though. Last night I was playing with him and he was just so happy and laughing then all of the sudden.. he just puked. I was like wtf? Why? I'm guessing he was either full or ate something that he shouldn't have. Kids haha. Um.. I was spinning around in this picture. I had to use my phone to get the awesome effect in the background. Because the shutter speed on the regular camera is to fast. And when I change it to make it slow everything just goes white. I need to figure that out. I'm hoping to get my own camera for my birthday. Who knows. Maybe if I get enough money I'll just buy one haha. Any who. I should stop rambling :)

Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 24

Photobooth Challenge, day 24

Finally back to today! I was having such a strange week. My finger was giving me hell. But I think it's finally starting to heal. I was able to play my guitar for a bit. Jasper has been really awesome lately. Everything was annoying the crap out of me today. Not sure exactly why. I've been sleeping horribly lately. Either I can't sleep or my dreams will wake me up and I'm to scared to go to sleep. I don't know what's been going on but wow I realized how far behind on this thing was. I could tell you all of my emotions but I'd either make no sense or sound like a horribly depressed person haha I swear I'm not that depressed. I've been anxious though because my birthday is this next coming month. I don't know why I'm so anxious and excited. It's not like anything fascinating is going to happen lol. Probably just because I'll be fully legal. 21 YEAH! Anyway I'm off here. I have to set a reminder on my phone to take a picture tomorrow and I need some sleep! <3

*edit* I had my days seriously mixed up haha! This should be for today (3-30-10) and not (3-29-10). That's what I get for slacking :|

Day 23

Photobooth Challenge, day 23

I felt so good. But so crappy at the same time. Keep waking up with a sore throat but nothing worse. Except that I had lost my voice for a day. It sucked. My memory is sucky too. Haha

Day 22

Photobooth Challenge, day 22

It was a day of vanity, confusion and not sure what else haha. I felt pretty and needed a new idea for a picture. I don't know what this is really suppose to mean. Use your imagination I guess :)

I remember that my finger started to feel better. I believe I lost my voice on that day as well.

Day 21

Photobooth Challenge, day 21

Had a picture but accidentally deleted it. I remember that it was a really cold day for me. Just relaxed and did my duties.

Day 20

Photobooth Challenge, day 20

Also not another picture. Couldn't find time to take one. Good day though :)

Day 19

Photobooth Challenge, Day 19

Didn't have a picture. Been feeling like crap. Kinda depressed but not sure why. Probably just held back stress.

Day 18

Photobooth Challenge, day 18

I was cold and in so much pain from my finger it was unbearable. But it wasn't a bad day. Played the Sims for a bit. Went outside and enjoyed the nice weather.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 17

Photobooth Challenge, day 17

I was in a lot of pain today, with a sore and swollen throat and super sprained finger.... it sucks. I've never sprained a finger before but it feels broke haha. I slept wonderful though. Spent all night downloading stuff for the sims lol. That's what happens when I get bored with the internet. Jasper was so good today. He stayed with my mom last night while my dad took me to the hospital. Apparently he did great. Today he did just awesome. Maybe he just needed some alone time with somebody. Who knows. My picture is a horrible cell phone one. I've dropped it a lot therefore the camera doesn't take good ones anymore. Oh well. I need to find batteries for my dads camera. Anywho I'm off to try out my new sims stuff :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Day 16

Photobooth Challenge, day 16

Ha ha so today was really surreal. I awoke with a sore throat, same as yesterday. Was in a fog all day. Had a migraine. Jasper was really good. Once he fell asleep for his nap I went to take one. I didn't wake up when I should have but when I did my head was pounding. I went to get Jasper out of his crib and I hit my hand at an unnatural angle. Almost passed out. It felt broken, so I went to the E.R. to find out that it's just a really bad sprain. Haha makes me laugh because of how it happened. But it's really hard to type like somebody who doesn't know how. I' hoping this heals up soon.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day 15

Photobooth Challenge, day 15

I feel like caca today. Sore throat, lethargic, just ugh! It wasn't such a bad day. Really windy outside. I've been messing around in photoshop making coloring actions. Quite fun. But time consuming. I watched a movie... again. Logan's Run. I usually don't like older movies but I enjoyed that one. My mom suggested it. Good choice eh? I took some NyQuil about half an hour ago. It made me so drousy within 10 minutes. It helped my throat a bit. I got some hot tea so I can get relaxed and hopefully go to bed if Jasper stays asleep. He's been really good today. And goofy. He's such a character. He's starting to talk more. It's great. :) I really don't have much else to say. I'm doped up on NyQuil and I feel like well... it's hard to explain haha.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Day 14

Photobooth Challenge, day 14

I hated today. It was just bad. Half an hour after I woke up shit just hit the fan. I hate it when that happens. Everything is good for a few days to a week then it always gets bad. It's life though right? I spent at least a couple hours in tears. But I was really happy in this picture. I was playing with Jasper. I'm so glad he is in my life. I couldn't live without him. There's no greater love in the word like a mothers or child's. He brightens up my day. I'm so grateful.

Other than half a bad day the rest was somewhat good. Talked to a friend on the phone, got some laughter out. Drank some tea and relaxed a bit. I watched the new Twilight movie last night. It was pretty good. The ending made me mad haha. After the movies are made I think I am going to read the books. If I read them now then it'll totally ruin my enjoyment of the movies. I also wrote a poem last night. A short one. I think it turned out well. I'm trying to get more inspiration for writing. It's almost hard.. a thesaurus is my best friend haha. I hope tomorrow is a better day.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 13

Photobooth Challenge, day 13

I did not want to take a picture today haha. I'm so tired, bored and my mind has not felt right at all. My thoughts were going beyond thoughts if that makes any sense at all. Everything I thought of I would think of a different scenario. I usually do that anyway but it was so much more intense today. Most likely because I am tired. Woke up kind of early so I'm making myself stay up till around 11 or so.
Even though I felt strange it was a good day. My little man was being really good and took an early nap YAY. He's been getting into everything though haha. I don't know what else to put here.... Sleep will help for tomorrow :)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 12

Photobooth Challenge, day 12

It was a very cold but calm day. Everything went by smoothly. Watched a movie I never saw before. Relaxed a bit, did my mom routine, and played the Sims haha. I had a great day with Jasper. He was so good! He had a few tantrums but that's what a toddler does. It was starting to snow when I took this picture. Not even 5 minutes after we came outside we had a short whiteout. And that left us with about 2 inches of snow. It was like BAM! Where did that come from? Ha ha. I fell asleep pretty fast last night. I was really tired but didn't realize it till my head hit the pillow, then I was out.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 11

Photobooth Challenge, day 11

Tired as hell, but good! I look angry in this picture haha but I really wasn't. I was kind of annoyed. Messy hair, yeah that comes from being tired. Oh! It was St. Patty's Day. I didn't wear green. But I had corn beef and cabbage :) I usually hate cabbage when it's cooked. I guess my taste buds are changing because it was so enjoyable this time around! It was nice outside again. I think spring is FINALLY here. Fingers crossed.

I'm starting to get some energy back. I really need to start playing my guitar again. Jasper loves it. I just make up my own music. It's hard to learn certain songs because I have a deformed finger..... so gotta make it up myself. It's all good though! Any who I should go get some sleep. And dream about things that could never happen haha.

Day 10

Photobooth Challenge, day 10

I couldn't upload yesterday so I have two to do today. Yesterday was a pretty good day. The weather was nice really nice. My son was doing good. He took a late nap but he went to bed at a decent time. I didn't fall asleep till 5 or so.

The deer are back in the yard. There is a doe that lives out in the field in front of my house. She has two babies now. So I went out and took pictures of them of course. Got pretty close. I can't remember much of yesterday haha. I watched a lot of tv. And Jasper (my son) was really cuddly. He rarely is. So I enjoy the moment when I get it.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 9

Photobooth Challenge, day 9

Today was really draggy. I was super tired. You can tell by the bags under my eyes. It was a good day. INSANELY warm outside. It mae it super hot in the house. Not miserable but almost haha.

My friend told me about a site called VampireRave. I've become addicted. At first it was so confusing and now I can't get enough.

On an awesome note, my mother talked to me about getting a job after my birthday next month. I haven't been able to work because my son had colic for a year. The worst kind it seemed. He rarely ever slept. We were on so many different schedules. And now it's so much better. He only doesn't like to sleep when he is teething. Anyway my mom told me I should apply at one of the 3 bars here. I'm sure I could get the job. I know I would make a lot of tips. Plus it would be good experience. And it would get me out of the fast food business. I've only worked one job that didn't have to do with fast food. I was basically a helper for a paralyzed man. It was a really fun job until he started asking me for money so he could buy drugs. SOME PEOPLE!

Anywho my son isn't asleep so I should go.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 8

Photobooth Challenge, day 8

Beautiful day today. Went for a small walk with my son. Took some pictures. I finally figured out how to do a real HDR image. I was so happy! I didn't get to bed till 6 this morning. Had a hard time falling asleep. Woke up late but my son took a nap today and he is sleeping now YAY.

I felt calm and relaxed today. Tired of course but it wasn't bad. I need to clean, still. I'm hoping to have some energy tomorrow so I can. Therefore I must go to bed somewhat early tonight!

Can't explain the colors yet again. Just black and white with sepia and high contrast.

Waiting for a new day :)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 7

Photobooth Challenge, day 7

I felt uncomfortable today. It seemed that my mom was mad at me all day but she wasn't. But something ticked her off and I was in the middle. One of those days where you just wish you were invisible. To the problem. The brightness of this photo resembles that. It nearly blends in. That's how I wanted to feel.

My son was good today. He took a really short nap. 15 minutes or so. He's been teething and when that happens he gets an ear infection. So he doesn't like to sleep when his ears are bugging him. I don't blame him though. I slept great last night. I found a comfortable way to sleep. The weather seemed like a downer. It was cold and cloudy, it rained for a little bit but not to long. Had a friend text me and he's nice to talk to but I guess the weather where he lives was putting him down as well so we didn't really talk much today. I've been lonely. Not the lonely I usually get just the kind where I want to cuddle. Don't care who, just cuddle. Never cleaned today ha ha. But maybe tomorrow will be a better day, whether it's stress-free or it's really nice out.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 6

Photobooth Challenge, day 6

Odd, lazy, tiresome day today. Also slow! Went to bed late last night, and woke up late. I slept very well therefore I did not want to wake up. Went I fell asleep the last song I heard was a Lady Gaga song. It's been stuck in my head all day.

"Just dance. Gunna be okay.
Just dance. Spin that record babe.
Just dance. Gunna be okay.
Dance. Dance. Dance. Ju-just dance."

She always does the eye thing in her videos so that's why I did it in my picture. That damn song ha ha.

I wanted to take a nap so badly today but I didn't. Been addicted to the Sims again ugh. But I rarely ever play so it's nice. Started laundry and nearly forgot about it. Which I'm surprised happened because I have no clean clothes lol.

My son is teething again! So he's not wanting to sleep now. He's to tired to be tired but he's not whiny. That makes it easier. Tomorrow should be a cleaning day. For real.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 5

Photobooth Challenge, day 5

Wow! Today was odd! Hence the silly picture. There was a lot of laughter. My son was being so funny today! Which is usually normal ha ha but today he just was going crazy. In a good way.

Can't explain what the colors really mean in this one just a random spurt I suppose.

I took a nap for the first time in a while. I did not want to get up. But when I did my throat seemed a bit sore. (I have to clean out my fan) The weather was doing flip flops, that always messes with my mood. It would be sunny and nice, then snowing and cloudy, rainy, then over and over again. Though all in all today was a good day. Maybe tomorrow will be too :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 4

Photobooth Challenge, day 4

Today was really slow, but good. Stress was on a super low level. Warm colors show the comfort. I was tired but not so tired that I wanted to sleep. Tired because I was in a relaxing mood all day. My son was being great, parents were awesome and everything else was just so passive. One of the best days I've had in a while. With being tired still, hopefully sleep will come easy tonight :)

Every thought is a seed. If you plant crab apples, don't count on harvesting Golden Delicious. ~Bill Meyer

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 3

Photobooth Challenge, day 3

Today was an eventful day. Full of running around, being relaxed yet rushed. Had somebody to keep me company. The cool colors represent the weather. It was cold and snowy but so nice at the same time.

Taking a drive usually helps my mind breath. My focuses elsewhere. But once I get home it all changes. Life is life.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 2

Photobooth Challenge, day 2.

Today consisted of, refreshment, and feeling morose. The almost lost color in the photo represents the morose feeling. Everything in one. Had a great conversation this morning, everything was going pretty good. Then of course a mood downer tonight. Trying to talk to somebody who doesn't care to listen but claims so much that they do and it's heartbreaking. But the emotions in the house are very good, amazingly. Nobody fought, got yelled at. So it's a relief.

Day 1

Photobooth Challenge, day 1.

The other day I gave the suggestion to my best friend that we should do a photobooth challenge. Meaning, take a self portrait everyday that show our emotion(s) or how we are feeling that day. The rule is to do minimal editing. Example, brightness, contrast, simple coloring filter.

So this photo here represents, sadness, happiness, and loneliness all in one. It was a fairly decent day, ups and downs. I had a fallout with my mother, everybody I wanted to talk to, to get my mind off of it was not sober. So I gave up on that. My son was being good, though he hit his head and I felt horrible about that. The night was calming down and it took hours before I was able to go to bed.